Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Good News / Bad News

81 days remaining
Mood – Ok
Study Time – 2.0 hours (199.0 total - REG: 110.5 - AUD: 89.5)
Scores:  AUD-94,

The good news is that I got 96% on my progress test.  The bad news is that several of the tax questions scared me.  I was going to start the final exams tomorrow but I think I am going to spend the evening going through the book and flashcards instead.  I still did really well but I am a bit nervous now.

1 comment:

  1. If you can score that high on the practice test 1 and 2, then believe me you are in excellent shape. The exam is not even close to the hard final exams on the Becker course. Tricky,veryyyyyyyy you really have to know the material (know how to apply the concepts) but super hard, I don't think so. Good Luck:)
