Tuesday, January 5, 2010

In the Saddle

101 days remaining
Mood – Good
Study Time – 3.5 hours (139.0 total - REG: 50.5 - AUD: 89.5)
Scores:  AUD-94, 

I did decent on the MC questions tonight.  I did 87% on the REG-1 questions including the supplemental ones.  The items that I missed were typically some minor point that was glossed over in the lecture.  I did the REG-2 questions minus the supplemental ones.  In AUD I liked to do the questions before class once so I could get a feel for what to look for in the lecture.  I got 78% on the REG-2 questions.  Most of what I missed were specific time-periods or exclusions.  I'll nail those after tomorrow lecture easily.  I just have to remember them come exam time in 3.5-4 weeks.  I also looked through the flashcards.  I had planned to go through them and pull out the ones I didn't feel were important like I did towards the end of my AUD studying.  The flashcards for REG are much more relevant and important in whole than the AUD ones were.  I am not pulling any of them out for now.

I also found a couple of issues within the software answers.  I kindof like finding them as I really focus on the question and answer to make sure there is actually an error and not just me missing something. 

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