Wednesday, January 20, 2010

One More REG Class to Go

87 days remaining
Mood –  Ok
Study Time – 4.0 hours (183.0 total - REG: 94.5 - AUD: 89.5)
Scores:  AUD-94, 

Another exhausting day of work and class.  On the bright side I'm done to one more REG class to go.  I was hoping to take tomorrow off from work.  Instead of that glorious plan I'll be going to work so we can move a couple hundred boxes of stuff from the office to the warehouse.  Maybe Friday....   Anyhow, the material is going well.  Like always we'll have to see where I end up after tomorrow's questions.  The even bigger test will be if I haven't managed to forget all the tax stuff again by this weekend as I start working on my final studying for REG.

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