Mood - a bit better
Study Time – 3.0 hours (272.0 total - BEC - 65.5 - REG: 118.0 - AUD: 89.5)
Scores: AUD-94, REG-??
The good news is I got right at 90% on the progress test today. The bad news is twofold. One, the problems I'm having issues with are the calculation-intensive questions. Two, this section of the exam now scares me. Initially this was going to be one of my easy sections, especially since there is no written part. Now I am a bit scared of this test. I can write out the formulas for the areas I'm having issues with easily now. I will write it down on my scratch paper before I start the exam. Calculating what to plug into the formula given the questions' messed up way of giving you the data is the issue.
Tomorrow I'll take a crack at the first of the practice final exams. I've heard the practice finals are harder than the actual exams. If I can get 85% on it I'll feel pretty good.
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